Saturday, April 30, 2016


In this section I will discuss and present two different theorists who have done extensive work in organizational conflict and conflict resolution.

photo of Eben Weitzman

The first person pictured above is Eben Weitzman (2016) who has a PhD and teaches at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. He is the Associate Professor in the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, Global Governance, as well as the Graduate School Graduate Program Director of the Conflict Resolutions Programs. Also, he obtained his PhD from the University of Columbia.

His areas of expertise include organizational conflict, intra-group conflict in mediation, cultural differences in attitudes towards conflict, effects of cooperation and competition on small group processes, and computer aided data analysis in qualitative research. Doctor Eben has many achievements. He has assisted in the international human rights NGO in reducing internal conflict and improving collaboration within the organization, as well as worked with the leadership of local unions in two different states to help foster state working relationships.

In addition, Eben is a social and organizational psychologist specializing in conflict. His work mainly focuses on conflict between groups. Also, besides teaching Weitzman also does conflict resolution, organizational development work, and dispute resolution with a wide variety of individuals and organizations. He also does extensive work on research and methodology. He was a review editor for the Field Method journal from 1999 to 2006.

The link below is his website for further information from the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

The second person pictured below is Alex Colvin.

Alex Colvin is the Professor of Labor Relations and Conflict Resolution at the ILR School at Cornell University. He is also the Associate Director of the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution. His research and teaching focuses on employment dispute resolution, with an emphasis on procedures in nonunion workplaces and the impact of legal environments on organizations. 

Colvin is also a Professor at the A&M University, and joined their staff in 2006 after he received his PhD in Curriculum & Instruction from Texas A&M University in College Station. Before getting his PhD, Colvin attended Prairie View A&M University as an Undergraduate and majored in social work. After obtaining his undergraduate degree, he went on to the University of Houston where he received his masters degree in social work in 1997. 

Alex has published articles in the journals of Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Academy of Management Journal, Personnel Psychology, Relations Industrializes, the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, the Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, and the Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy. 

The links below are the links to his site at Cornell University and Prairie View A&M University.

For further interest on the topic below are sources cited in APA to five very interesting journal articles on organizational conflict and conflict resolution.

Barki, H. & Hartwick, J. (2001). Interpersonal conflict and its management in
information development. MIS Quarterly, 25(2), 195-228.

Dant,R.P., & Schul, P.L. (1992). Conflict resolution processes in contractual
channels of distribution. Journal of Marketing,56(1), 38-54

Lambert, D.R., Boughton, P.D. & Banville, G.R. (1986). Conflict resolution in
organizational buying center. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 14(1).

Rahim, A., & Bonoma, T. (1979). Managing organizational conflict: A model for
diagnosis and intervention. Psychological Reports, 44, 1323-1344. doi:

Sandu, M.L., & Cozaru. G.C., & Pescaru, M. (2012). Motivational dominants and
value orientation in organization. Communication & Marketing/ Revista De
Comunicare Si Marketing, 35(5), 119-136. 


Cornell University. (2016). Alex Colvin. Cornell Law School. Retrieved from
Prairie View A&M University. (2016). Colvin, Alex PhD. PVAM. Retrieved from     
University of Massachusetts Boston. (2016). Faculity& staff Eben Weitzman
PhD. Retrieved 

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